
Monday Mar 07, 2016
Episode 82: Talking Bigfoot and Animal Mutilations with Eric Altman
Monday Mar 07, 2016
Monday Mar 07, 2016
This week Mark and Seth welcome Eric Altman to the show. Eric is an investigator from Pennsylvania with a long history of investigating sightings of hairy creatures around the state. He also hosts a show called Beyond the Edge, and is a noted speaker on the subject. The conversation starts with talk about the Bigfoot community at large and ends with a discussion about bizarre animal deaths that Eric has investigated. A fascinating conversation, to be sure!
Don't forget to visit SasWhat.com or facebook.com/saswhat or find us on Twitter @saswhatshow
Download the show at... iTunes
or Stitcher http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/saswhat-a-podcast-about-bigfoot
We'd also like to welcome our new listeners at WCR 97.1 FM in Ohio! Thanks for listening, folks.
If you liked the show please feel free to leave us a rating/review on iTunes OR Stitcher. Please don't forget to visit our site at SasWhat.com and send all your complaints or praises or topics of interest to saswhatmail@gmail.com.
Thanks for listening!

Saturday Feb 27, 2016
Episode 81: With Loren Coleman
Saturday Feb 27, 2016
Saturday Feb 27, 2016
Finally! This week Mark and Seth sat down for a far-reaching conversation with Loren Coleman. Loren is a noted author, researcher, professor, historian, and museum curator. They talk about Lorens initiation into unusual phenomena, his thoughts on various subjects related to Cryptozoology, and much more.
Learn more about the International Cryptozoology Museum at http://cryptozoologymuseum.com/ and make sure to pick up any of Lorens books but particularly Bigfoot! The true story of apes in America, Mysterious America or Tom Slick.
Don't forget to visit SasWhat.com or facebook.com/saswhat or find us on Twitter @saswhatshow
Download the show at... iTunes
or Stitcher http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/saswhat-a-podcast-about-bigfoot
We'd also like to welcome our new listeners at WCR 97.1 FM in Ohio! Thanks for listening, folks.
If you liked the show please feel free to leave us a rating/review on iTunes OR Stitcher. Please don't forget to visit our site at SasWhat.com and send all your complaints or praises or topics of interest to saswhatmail@gmail.com.
Thanks for listening!

Tuesday Feb 23, 2016
Episode 80: Monsterland Ohio Take-Over
Tuesday Feb 23, 2016
Tuesday Feb 23, 2016
In this episode Mark and Andy were kind enough to gift us an episode of their show to use for episode 80. If you haven't checked out Monsterland Ohio Radio with Mark and Andy Matzke make sure to do so! Anyway, they "interviewed" Seth about a number of topics; from podcasting to filmmaking and several stops at Bigfoot along the way. Tune in... if you dare.
Check out Monsterland at http://monsterlandohioradio.podomatic.com/
Don't forget to visit SasWhat.com or facebook.com/saswhat
Download the show at... iTunes
or Stitcher http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/saswhat-a-podcast-about-bigfoot
We'd also like to welcome our new listeners at WCR 97.1 FM in Ohio! Thanks for listening, folks.
If you liked the show please feel free to leave us a rating/review on iTunes OR Stitcher. Please don't forget to visit our site at SasWhat.com and send all your complaints or praises or topics of interest to saswhatmail@gmail.com.
Thanks for listening!

Sunday Feb 14, 2016
Sunday Feb 14, 2016
This week Mark and Seth discuss some truly odd cases of Bigfootery. This was all spurred on by an interest in the Enfield Horror case. A case originally investigated by one, Loren Coleman. Mr Coleman was gracious enough to take a few minutes to talk with us about the case. After that the conversation turns to Chestnut Ridge and the subject of Stan Gordons "Strange Invasion". Then Seth brings us back to Ohio...
Don't forget to visit SasWhat.com or facebook.com/saswhat
Download the show at... iTunes
or Stitcher http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/saswhat-a-podcast-about-bigfoot
We'd also like to welcome our new listeners at WCR 97.1 FM in Ohio! Thanks for listening, folks.
If you liked the show please feel free to leave us a rating/review on iTunes OR Stitcher. Please don't forget to visit our site at SasWhat.com and send all your complaints or praises or topics of interest to saswhatmail@gmail.com.
Thanks for listening!

Monday Feb 08, 2016
Episode 78: Talking Squatch with Shannon LeGro
Monday Feb 08, 2016
Monday Feb 08, 2016
Don't forget to visit SasWhat.com or facebook.com/saswhat
Download the show at... iTunes
or Stitcher http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/saswhat-a-podcast-about-bigfoot
We'd also like to welcome our new listeners at WCR 97.1 FM in Ohio! Thanks for listening, folks.
If you liked the show please feel free to leave us a rating/review on iTunes OR Stitcher. Please don't forget to visit our site at SasWhat.com and send all your complaints or praises or topics of interest to saswhatmail@gmail.com.
Thanks for listening!

Sunday Jan 31, 2016
Episode 77: With Lyle Blackburn
Sunday Jan 31, 2016
Sunday Jan 31, 2016
This week Mark, Brandon and Seth talk with Lyle Blackburn about the storied history of the Fouke Monster. The conversation ranges from the Legend of Boggy Creek to Boggy Creek 2 to Smokey Crabtree and his history past experiences with the stories that surround Fouke. They also talk a little about the upcoming Boggy Creek Monster movie which just had it's Kickstarter launch last night.
If you'd like to check out the campaign visit http://kickstarter.com/minervamonster/projects/boggy-creek-monster
Don't forget to visit SasWhat.com or facebook.com/saswhat
Download the show at... iTunes
or Stitcher http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/saswhat-a-podcast-about-bigfoot
We'd also like to welcome our new listeners at WCR 97.1 FM in Ohio! Thanks for listening, folks.
If you liked the show please feel free to leave us a rating/review on iTunes OR Stitcher. Please don't forget to visit our site at SasWhat.com and send all your complaints or praises or topics of interest to saswhatmail@gmail.com.
Thanks for listening!

Sunday Jan 24, 2016
Episode 76: Talking Creepy Creatures with CreatureReplica's Jean St Jean
Sunday Jan 24, 2016
Sunday Jan 24, 2016
This week Seth sits down with Jean St Jean to discuss the world of Bigfoot, the amazing toys he creates, and much more. Make sure to visit the following links to learn more about CreatureReplica!
Don't forget to visit SasWhat.com or facebook.com/saswhat
Download the show at... iTunes
or Stitcher http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/saswhat-a-podcast-about-bigfoot
We'd also like to welcome our new listeners at WCR 97.1 FM in Ohio! Thanks for listening, folks.
If you liked the show please feel free to leave us a rating/review on iTunes OR Stitcher. Please don't forget to visit our site at SasWhat.com and send all your complaints or praises or topics of interest to saswhatmail@gmail.com.
Thanks for listening!

Sunday Jan 10, 2016
Episode 75: Another Bigfoot Year in Review
Sunday Jan 10, 2016
Sunday Jan 10, 2016
Mark and Seth are back to talk about the year that was 2015. But first, they read a couple of your letters, both of which tie together quite nicely! The year-in-review is full of happy things and positive vibes... mostly because both of your hosts managed to stay completely unaware of the bigfoot melodrama that occurs on social media.
Don't forget to visit SasWhat.com or facebook.com/saswhat
Download the show at... iTunes
or Stitcher http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/saswhat-a-podcast-about-bigfoot
We'd also like to welcome our new listeners at WCR 97.1 FM in Ohio! Thanks for listening, folks.
If you liked the show please feel free to leave us a rating/review on iTunes OR Stitcher. Please don't forget to visit our site at SasWhat.com and send all your complaints or praises or topics of interest to saswhatmail@gmail.com.
Thanks for listening!

Sunday Dec 20, 2015
Episode 74: A Very SasWhat Christmas
Sunday Dec 20, 2015
Sunday Dec 20, 2015
HoHoHo and all that. Mark and Seth bring the year in SasWhat to a close with this special Christmasy episode. They read your letters, discuss some random gibberish and then hit the road, never to return. Until 2016.
Oh, the letters mostly revolve around the U.K. Bigfoot episode and the controversy that particular episode caused. At any rate, give it a listen. We hope you all have a happy holiday season and thanks for tuning in for another year!
Don't forget to visit SasWhat.com or facebook.com/saswhat
Download the show at... iTunes
or Stitcher http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/saswhat-a-podcast-about-bigfoot
We'd also like to welcome our new listeners at WCR 97.1 FM in Ohio! Thanks for listening, folks.
If you liked the show please feel free to leave us a rating/review on iTunes OR Stitcher. Please don't forget to visit our site at SasWhat.com and send all your complaints or praises or topics of interest to saswhatmail@gmail.com.
Thanks for listening!

Sunday Dec 13, 2015
Episode 73: Talking Black Helicopters and Bigfoot with Clint from OK Talk
Sunday Dec 13, 2015
Sunday Dec 13, 2015
This week Mark Matzke was down with the sickness so Clint from OK Talk Show hopped into the co-host seat and he and Seth have an all-over-the-map discussion of general Bigfootness. Black Helicopters, conspiracies, Native legends and much more are on the docket.
Listen in!
Don't forget to visit SasWhat.com or facebook.com/saswhat
Download the show at... iTunes
or Stitcher http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/saswhat-a-podcast-about-bigfoot
We'd also like to welcome our new listeners at WCR 97.1 FM in Ohio! Thanks for listening, folks.
If you liked the show please feel free to leave us a rating/review on iTunes OR Stitcher. Please don't forget to visit our site at SasWhat.com and send all your complaints or praises or topics of interest to saswhatmail@gmail.com.
Thanks for listening!