
Thursday Sep 13, 2018
Episode 132: The Great Pacific Northwest Expedition of 2018
Thursday Sep 13, 2018
Thursday Sep 13, 2018
What? Seth is back on the show? And Mark? Yes! Your ears do no deceive you! Listen as Mark and Seth regail you with tales of their epic journey to Bigfoot's homestead in the state of Washington. There's also information on a new show titled Monsteropolis, launching soon.
Find us at: https://www.facebook.com/Saswhat https://twitter.com/saswhatshow
iTunes and Stitcher too...
Greetings to our listeners at WCR 97.1 FM in Wadsworth, OH! Listen Saturdays and Sundays at 7 PM anywhere on the TuneIn app.
Write us at saswhatmail@gmail.com
Don't forget to check out www.cryptidcrate.com and find them on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter

Monday Oct 30, 2017
Episode 131: SasWhat Nation: Arkansas (Part One) with Jonathon Bevil
Monday Oct 30, 2017
Monday Oct 30, 2017
Our buddy Bevil, a real live Arkansas native, joins us for the first installment of Saswhat Nation: Arkansas! Wait until you hear the accounts he selected for the show. You'll feel like you're right down there by the Sulphur River.
THE INVASION IS HERE! Small Town Monsters' "Invasion on Chestnut Ridge," featuring creature effects by Andy and narration by Mark, is now available, streaming on Amazon, and the DVD can be found at https://www.smalltownmonsters.com
It's getting good reviews, except for the one that said it was "simply awful!"
Our CRYPTID CRATE unboxing video can be watched at our Facebook page, link below!
Find us at: https://www.facebook.com/Saswhat https://twitter.com/saswhatshow
iTunes and Stitcher too...
Greetings to our listeners at WCR 97.1 FM in Wadsworth, OH! Listen Saturdays and Sundays at 7 PM anywhere on the TuneIn app.
Write us at saswhatmail@gmail.com
Don't forget to check out www.cryptidcrate.com and find them on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter

Tuesday Oct 10, 2017
Episode 130: International Cryptozoology Conference 2017
Tuesday Oct 10, 2017
Tuesday Oct 10, 2017
Hey, remember us?
SasWhat returns with a full recap of our trip to Portland, Maine, for the International Cryptozoology Conference. It's like you were there with us, except you don't have to do a punishing drive through New England on Labor Day weekend! (Actually, it wasn't that bad. OK, parts of it were...oh never mind.)
The phrase "once in a lifetime" gets thrown around a lot, but it truly applies in this case. The ICC was everything we imagined it would be, except way better. We will always be grateful to Loren Coleman and Seth Breedlove for getting us to Portland for this fantastic event.
THE INVASION IS ALMOST HERE! "Invasion on Chestnut Ridge," Small Town Monsters' latest production, will be released this month! It was co-written and narrated by Mark. See it live and in person Saturday, October 21st at the Space Visitors Film Festival in San Francisco, CA and/or Creature Weekend at Salt Fork State Park, near Cambridge, OH. Then, on Saturday, October 28th, join us for a double-feature at Canton's Palace Theatre at 6:30 p.m., where "Invasion" will be paired with "Mothman of Point Pleasant." That's about the most Halloween-ish thing you could possibly do that weekend, besides carving a jack-o-lantern while wearing a Bigfoot costume.
Find us at: https://www.facebook.com/Saswhat https://twitter.com/saswhatshow
iTunes and Stitcher too...
Greetings to our listeners at WCR 97.1 FM in Wadsworth, OH! Listen Saturdays and Sundays at 7 PM anywhere on the TuneIn app.
Write us at saswhatmail@gmail.com
Don't forget to check out www.cryptidcrate.com and find them on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter

Sunday Aug 27, 2017
Episode 129: Listener Letters and Crackpot Science
Sunday Aug 27, 2017
Sunday Aug 27, 2017
SasWhat is back with a full bag of mail! Dr. Ruminski's article from our previous episode prompted a variety of responses, and you'll hear them all.
Then it's on to an article featuring Dr. Richard Stepp and Dr. Jeff Meldrum, which underscores the professional price paid by scientists who are willing to investigate Bigfoot.
A week from today, we'll be at the International Cryptozoology Conference in Portland, Maine. Watch our Facebook page for updates from the conference.
Find us at: https://www.facebook.com/Saswhat https://twitter.com/saswhatshow
iTunes and Stitcher too...
Greetings to our listeners at WCR 97.1 FM in Wadsworth, OH! Listen Saturdays and Sundays at 7 PM anywhere on the TuneIn app.
Write us at saswhatmail@gmail.com
Don't forget to check out www.cryptidcrate.com and find them on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

Tuesday Aug 01, 2017
Episode 128: Man-made: A Skeptical Viewpoint
Tuesday Aug 01, 2017
Tuesday Aug 01, 2017
We've always said that SasWhat is recorded for the skeptics...and we put that to the test with this episode. We are happy to have Dr. Jarret Ruminski as a listener, and he was kind enough to share an article with us, written by him, that appeared in The Skeptic magazine in September 2015. (I think I said November in the episode--a thousand pardons!!!) Anyhow, we share massive amounts of the article and then respond. It was a very stimulating exercise, and we obviously hope you will agree! For more of Jarret Ruminski's writing, check out his comprehensive blog:http://thatdevilhistory.com/
But first, we try to come to terms with the Russian Baby Bigfoot video that has been making the rounds on the old internets. All I can tell you is that Andy named him. Check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4YHEAC_ggvM
PROGRAMMING NOTE: We are taking a short break from recording. Our next episode should post the week of August 21st. Thanks for your patience!
COMING UP FAST!!! It's the SasWhat Meetup: Thursday, August 17th at Fisher's Cafe and Pub, Peninsula, Ohio, beginning at 6:00 p.m. We'll get together, eat, gab, and if the weather cooperates, go for a hike in CVNP!
Find us at: https://www.facebook.com/Saswhat https://twitter.com/saswhatshow
iTunes and Stitcher too...
Greetings to our listeners at WCR 97.1 FM in Wadsworth, OH! Listen Saturdays and Sundays at 7 PM anywhere on the TuneIn app.
Write us at saswhatmail@gmail.com
Don't forget to check out www.cryptidcrate.com and find them on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

Monday Jul 24, 2017
Episode 127: SasWhat Reunion/Boggy Q & A
Monday Jul 24, 2017
Monday Jul 24, 2017
It's been a long time! We shouldn't have left you without some SasWhat to step to. Sorry about that, but we were out of town, and since getting back, quite a bit of our free time has been devoted to post-production on Small Town Monsters' "Invasion on Chestnut Ridge." All of this is covered in the episode you're about to listen to, plus news about being guests on the "Parent Pastor Podcast" with our pals Jonathan, Matt and Matt!
Then, it's part three of our library presentation with Seth, where we answer questions about southern Bigfoot, for the most part. Again, thanks to everyone who showed up and to the Willoughby Hills Library for hosting us!
We are announcing our next SasWhat Meetup: Thursday, August 17th at Fisher's Cafe and Pub, Peninsula, Ohio, beginning at 6:00 p.m. We'll get together, eat, gab, and if the weather cooperates, go for a hike in CVNP!
Find us at: https://www.facebook.com/Saswhat https://twitter.com/saswhatshow
iTunes and Stitcher too...
Greetings to our listeners at WCR 97.1 FM in Wadsworth, OH! Listen Saturdays and Sundays at 7 PM anywhere on the TuneIn app.
Write us at saswhatmail@gmail.com
Don't forget to check out www.cryptidcrate.com and find them on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

Tuesday Jul 11, 2017
Episode 126: SasWhat Reunion/Buckeye State Bigfoot
Tuesday Jul 11, 2017
Tuesday Jul 11, 2017
This is part two of Seth, Andy and Mark's presentation at the Willoughby Hills Library. The focus is squarely on classic Bigfoot cases from the great state of Ohio. From tales of Big Head and old Orange Eyes to the legend of Salt Fork State Park, the guys have got it covered. The entire Q & A session is also included, and the trio gets to talk about some issues that have long gone unaddressed...until now.
Once again, thank you to Holly and Mark at the Willoughby Hills Library for working with us on this very enjoyable mini-conference!
Find us at: https://www.facebook.com/Saswhat https://twitter.com/saswhatshow
iTunes and Stitcher too...
Greetings to our listeners at WCR 97.1 FM in Wadsworth, OH! Listen Saturdays and Sundays at 7 PM anywhere on the TuneIn app.
Write us at saswhatmail@gmail.com
Don't forget to check out www.cryptidcrate.com and find them on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

Wednesday Jul 05, 2017
Episode 125: SasWhat Reunion/What Is Bigfoot?
Wednesday Jul 05, 2017
Wednesday Jul 05, 2017
Couldn't make it to Willoughby Hills? Want to relive the magic? We've got you covered with part one of the library presentation that took place July 5, 2017. Seth, Andy and Mark recount the origins of SasWhat, get all philosophical about the identity of Bigfoot, and begin a discussion of Buckeye Bigfoot cases that ought to whet your appetite for part two, which will post next week. We are very grateful for everyone who came out to see us!
Find us at: https://www.facebook.com/Saswhat https://twitter.com/saswhatshow
iTunes and Stitcher too...
Greetings to our listeners at WCR 97.1 FM in Wadsworth, OH! Listen Saturdays and Sundays at 7 PM anywhere on the TuneIn app.
Write us at saswhatmail@gmail.com
Don't forget to check out www.cryptidcrate.com and find them on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

Tuesday Jun 27, 2017
Episode 124: Bigfoot at the Bash
Tuesday Jun 27, 2017
Tuesday Jun 27, 2017
Andy and Mark have returned from Monster Bash in Pennsylvania, and have some good stuff to share--in particular, part of Stan Gordon's brand new presentation entitled "Stange Aspects of the Elusive Bigfoot."
The guys also read a great letter from Stephen in Scotland and touch on a number of great communications they've received in recent days.
Don't forget to check out www.cryptidcrate.com and find them on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.
COME SEE US July 5 & 6 at the Willoughby Hills (OH) Public Library, 6:00 p.m. both nights! It's our own little Small Town Monsters conference, where the city meets the country. http://welibrary.evanced.info/signup/Calendar
Find us at: https://www.facebook.com/Saswhat https://twitter.com/saswhatshow
iTunes and Stitcher too...
Greetings to our listeners at WCR 97.1 FM in Wadsworth, OH! Listen Saturdays and Sundays at 7 PM anywhere on the TuneIn app.
Write us at saswhatmail@gmail.com

Tuesday Jun 20, 2017
Episode 123: Seniors Talk About Bigfoot
Tuesday Jun 20, 2017
Tuesday Jun 20, 2017
Full Disclosure: There is only one "senior" talking about Bigfoot on this episode. (The title is a riff on SasWhat Ep. 35, "Kids Talk About Bigfoot," which we're pretty sure was Andy's SasWhat debut.) It's Gerald Matzke, Mark's Dad and Andy's Grampy, and he steps up to the microphone quite admirably, if we do say so ourselves. We had a great time recording this episode on Father's Day, for somewhat obvious reasons.
COME SEE US July 5 & 6 at the Willoughby Hills (OH) Public Library, 6:00 p.m. both nights! It's our own little Small Town Monsters conference, where the city meets the country. http://welibrary.evanced.info/signup/Calendar
Find us at: https://www.facebook.com/Saswhat https://twitter.com/saswhatshow
iTunes and Stitcher too...
Greetings to our listeners at WCR 97.1 FM in Wadsworth, OH! Listen Saturdays and Sundays at 7 PM anywhere on the TuneIn app.
Write us at saswhatmail@gmail.com